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  • Emily Kho

The Push for AI in Education: What the Biden Administration's New Executive Order Means for EdTech

EdTech is an industry that has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by increased demand for online learning and remote education. However, the industry is also characterized by a few dominant players, which has raised concerns about a lack of competition, high prices, and limited innovation.

About the Executive Order

The executive order's focus on promoting competition in critical industries, including technology, is also expected to have implications for the EdTech industry. Federal agencies are likely to use their authority to reduce barriers to entry for new businesses, which could stimulate innovation and bring down prices for consumers.

FTC Limits Non-Compete Clauses

In particular, the FTC's rules to limit non-compete clauses in employment contracts could benefit the EdTech industry. It could encourage the movement of talent between companies and promote competition among firms.

The DOJ's review and revision of its guidelines for assessing mergers and acquisitions could also help ensure that larger EdTech firms do not engage in anti-competitive practices that harm smaller players in the industry.

Increased Scrutiny of Big Tech Companies

Additionally, the executive order's call for increased scrutiny of Big Tech companies could impact the EdTech industry. Many of the dominant players in the space are also major technology companies.

The order's focus on data collection, privacy, and antitrust concerns could result in increased regulation for these companies, affecting their ability to compete in the EdTech space.

Promoting Access to High-Quality Early Childhood Programs and Services

The establishment of the White House initiative on advancing educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity for Black Americans within the Department of Education presents a significant opportunity for the EdTech industry to address the lack of access to high-quality early childhood programs and services for Black students.

With a focus on promoting educational equity, the executive order aims to increase access to these programs and services, which can profoundly impact a child's long-term academic success. EdTech companies pursuing early childhood education, such as ABCmouse and Khan Academy Kids, may find themselves in high demand as the initiative improves access to these programs and services.

Addressing Inequitable Treatment of Black Children

Another policy goal of the initiative is to address the inequitable treatment of Black children in the education system. This presents an opportunity for EdTech companies to develop tools and resources that promote equitable treatment and reduce bias in the classroom.

For example, an EdTech company could develop an artificial intelligence app to analyze a teacher's language and tone when interacting with students, alerting the teacher when they are exhibiting bias. Alternatively, an EdTech company could develop a platform allowing students to report discrimination or prejudice anonymously, providing school leaders with valuable data to inform policy changes.

Supporting the Recruitment and Retention of Qualified and Diverse Teachers and School Leaders

The order also aims to support recruiting and retaining qualified and diverse teachers and school leaders. EdTech companies specializing in teacher training and development, such as TeachFX and Edmentum, may benefit significantly as the initiative works to increase the diversity of the teaching profession and provide teachers with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Additionally, EdTech companies focusing on leadership development, such as NTC, may find opportunities to partner with schools and districts to support the recruitment and retention of school leaders.

Ensuring Equitable Access to Educational Resources and Technology

One of the initiative's policy goals is to ensure equitable access to educational resources and technology. This presents an opportunity for EdTech companies to develop tools and resources to bridge the digital divide and provide students with the resources required to succeed.

For example, an EdTech company could develop a platform that provides students access to high-speed internet and devices, along with educational resources such as textbooks and videos. Alternatively, an EdTech company could develop a platform that offers students access to online tutoring and support services. This can help ensure that all students have access to high-quality educational resources.

Breaking Down Barriers to Higher Education Institutions that Serve Black Students

The order also aims to break down barriers to higher education institutions that serve Black students. EdTech companies specializing in college readiness and support, such as CollegeVine, may find opportunities to partner with these institutions to provide students with the tools and resources they need to succeed in college.

Promoting Economic Success through Resources for Financial Education and Small Business Development

One of the primary goals of the White House Initiative is to promote economic success through resources for financial education and small business development. With this focus, EdTech companies in financial education, such as EVERFI and Next Gen Personal Finance, may find themselves in demand as the order provides students with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Moreover, EdTech companies that specialize in entrepreneurship and small business development may find opportunities to partner with the initiative to promote economic opportunities for black students and families. By providing resources and tools for financial literacy, business planning, and marketing, EdTech companies can help create a more equitable and inclusive economy.

The Executive Orders Benefits to EdTech’s Future

  • Increased investment in educational technology in K-12 and higher education.

  • It is advancing educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity for Black Americans that aims to provide equitable access to educational resources and technology.

  • The Initiative's focus on promoting economic success through resources for financial education and small business development may create opportunities for EdTech companies that specialize in these areas.

  • Increased funding for broadband internet access will increase access to online learning and potentially increase demand for educational technology.

  • The executive order promotes competition in the technology industry, which may lead to more innovation and increased investment in EdTech companies.

  • The Initiative's goal of supporting recruiting and retaining qualified and diverse teachers may create opportunities for EdTech companies that offer teacher training and professional development.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the executive order could take the future of EdTech into a realm that has never been seen before. The executive order prioritizes access to technology and educational resources for underserved communities, encourages competition and innovation in the industry, and promotes the development of skills necessary for success in the workforce.

As a result, the EdTech industry may see increased demand for their services and opportunities for growth and partnerships. The executive order represents a step towards a more equitable and innovative future for the EdTech industry and the education sector in America.


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