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  • Emily Kho

The Importance of Data and Learning Analytics When It Comes to Creating Educational Content

Considering the fact that daily, nearly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created, it’s no wonder that processing this kind of information can become so impactful on our lives.

But, it’s not just about the big data. Even more important is what you choose to do with that information. Ideally, you will process that big data, which becomes hugely impactful, specifically in education. Through the practice of learning analytics, you can process this information to create groundbreaking educational content.

Big Data and Learning Analytics

Big data meets traditional quantitative methods in educational content through learning analytics. But, before diving deeper into the aspect of using this information to create educational content, it’s crucial to have a better understanding of what the two terms mean by definition.

What is Big Data?

Big data is the name given to larger, more complex data that primarily comes from new sources. It has its own name because traditional data processing software can’t manage these voluminous sets of data.

One of the most significant benefits of big data is that it immediately provides you with more information, and therefore, access to more complete answers. Ultimately, by having more comprehensive solutions, you gain more confidence in the data as a whole. Educational barriers become issues of the past when you learn how to tackle them head-on.

What is Learning Analytics?

Learning analytics refers to interference to data collection and analysis specifically surrounding learners and their immediate environments. To understand and improve learning outcomes, studies refer to learning analytics.

Data Collection

Contrary to popular belief, the days of relying entirely on traditional surveys and interviews in data collection are no longer among us. Instead, studies have shown that in addition to surveys and interviews, other resources can be equally as effective in the data collection process of a target audience.

Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups

Surveys are known for being one of the most cost-effective methods of collecting quantifiable data but have a less personalized approach. Alternatively, interviews and focus groups help to encourage open discussion. Combined, these data retrieving methods are proven to be effective.

Archival Data

Sometimes, the research has already been done. In that instance, you can rely on archival data to pull second-hand data that supports your hypothesis.

Textual Analysis

Text is readily available, making textual analysis an excellent option. This type of data collection is best when you need to triangulate or overcome a weakness in your study.


In an experiment, you will need to have two groups, one that is the treatment and the other that is the control group. You want to select your groups by identifying similar demographics or psychographics that may impact your results.

Natural Experiments

Researchers can sometimes approximate an experiment in a natural setting. While natural experiments are not nearly as controlled as lab experiments, this data collection can be equally effective.

How Can Data and Learning Analytics Be Used?

Through educational data mining and learning analytics, this big data can be transformed into knowledge that helps to improve learning through educational content.

There are countless applications of data and learning analytics in the education sector, including:

  • Informing institutional decisions and strategy

  • Understanding and improving the effectiveness of teaching practices

  • Supporting student development

  • Measuring key indicators of student performance

Front-End Analytics

A systematic approach to improving competence and productivity is the Human Performance Technology (HPT) model. A component of the HPT model known as front-end analysis can identify the current state and the desired state. In conducting the front-end analysis, researchers can define the performance gap between the two.

Smart Questions

According to Joe Harless, the man considered to be the father of front-end analysis, the process begins by asking a series of detailed questions, which include:

  • Do we have a problem?

  • Do we have a performance problem?

  • How will we know when the problem is solved?

  • What is the performance problem?

  • Should we allocate resources to solve it?

Benefits of Data and Learning Analytics

As you can imagine, there are countless benefits of data and learning analytics in education. Here are some of the most significant reasons why data and learning analytics help enhance educational environments.

Improve Future Courses

Data and learning analytics helps the students of today as well as the students of the future.

Increase Retention Rates

Enhancing the overall performance of a student through the use of data and learning analytics means that they will be less likely to drop out or fail a course.

Provide Personalized Learning Experience

Students can receive customized learning experiences, allowing more time to dive into subjects or areas they are showing to take more time.

Predict Performance

Not only can you see how a student is tracking at present with data and learning analytics, but you can also get a better idea of their performance in the future of the course.

Impact on Educational Content

But, how can data and learning analytics be directly translated into educational content? Take a look at some of the latest up-and-coming projects has been working on utilizing data and learning analytics.

How we use data at

Explicitly focused on eLearning development, builds courses and applications for businesses and schools around the world. utilizes big data transcribed through learning analytics to develop state-of-the-art educational programs. has seamlessly integrated data and learning analytics to focus on social and emotional development among students. Staying on top of patterns and trends to understand the needs of schools, teachers, and students is an ideal example of using data to mold content into products that will address those needs explicitly.

Brick It

As part of the Maker Movement, the goal of Brick It is to use Legos, designs, and in-depth lessons to make learning more tangible when everything is going digital. Maker kits that use bricks (similar to Legos) to construct various structures correlated to core learning standards while emphasizing STEAM.

However, the thing that sets Brick It apart from other Maker kits is how each lesson reinforces social and emotional learning in the classroom and at home. Social distancing and digital communication have made in-person collaboration and other significant social interactions less common, and it’s vital to provide educational foundations to support these areas of development.

The data showing a lack of social interaction is resulting in significant social-emotional issues amongst students. The Brick It product aims to address these issues head-on through engaging tangible objects, like Legos.

Esports K12

Esports K12 is offering a trust and safety certificate for Esport players to take in school. This certification course covers the knowledge surrounding the social and emotional aspects of online gaming. It is designed to provide the students with a certificate of completion before participating in Esports to ensure a safer and more respected playing environment.

We have conducted a series of sample surveys to collect data for our beta testing with this project. You can get a better idea of our formatting by looking at both our student survey and teacher survey for this Esports K12 project.

The data collected from beta testers for this project shows a need for a program like this. Take a look at some of the beta tester survey results:

  • 82.2% of beta testers responded that the course was engaging (scoring a 3 out of 5 or higher)

  • 78.6% of beta testers responded that this course taught them new things about the social and emotional aspects of online gaming (scoring a 3 out of 5 or higher)

  • 92.9% of beta testers responded that if they had to take a course to learn about online safety and well-being, they would rather take this course or a different one (scoring a 3 out of 5 or higher)

Final Thoughts

In today’s world of nearly endless resources and data, it's essential to know what to do with this powerhouse of information. Understanding the importance of data and learning analytics when it comes to creating educational content is crucial to students' success today and in the future.


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