With ever-evolving technology, it’s no surprise that the face of education is shifting. For both educators and students, online learning has opened doors unimaginable on a global scale.
In previous articles, we’ve talked about the benefits to look forward to with the larger role of mobile learning in the future of education. But, we want to dive deeper into what eLearning is, determining whether or not it truly is the final frontier for education.

What Is eLearning?
For starters, it’s crucial to figure out what exactly eLearning is. eLearning is web-based learning that is also often referred to as virtual or electronic learning.
By definition, eLearning provides learners with training and development through the use of various electronic media, including the Internet, audio, video, etc. While eLearning can come in multiple forms, including employee training, in education, eLearning is geared towards students.
The eLearning in education we know today takes many forms and can be based in or out of the classrooms with the use of computers or other mobile devices that have access to the internet.
Why eLearning is Such an Integral Part of the Future of Education
Undeniably, eLearning has become an integral part of the future of education. The benefits of eLearning can be seen through learners from all developmental levels and geographic locations.
Here are just a few of the reasons why we can continue looking forward to the future of education through eLearning.
Empower Learners
eLearning helps not only to deliver primary schooling but also empowers learners as they enhance their skills.
Access From Across the Globe
One of the primary benefits of eLearning is its accessibility. Learners can complete courses and even obtain a degree without actually ever stepping foot in a classroom.
From the other side of the eLearning spectrum, instructors now have the ability to teach from anywhere in their preferred time. It is worth mentioning that interactivity amongst instructors is still required in order for eLearning to be most effective.
Improved Learning Outcomes
eLearning utilizes multiple technologies, which includes the role of AI in improving learning outcomes. AI is just one of the countless tools that help to apply eLearning to all levels of schooling and ensure students grasp the lessons adequately and at a faster pace.
What is ryco.io all about?
You can’t discuss eLearning without learning more about ryco.io, innovators in this industry.
ryco.io is an eLearning development company that focuses on building courses and applications for businesses and schools worldwide. The ryco.io team of instructional designers, subject matter experts, and web and mobile app developers work to develop custom learning experiences for a range of clients.
When it comes to eLearning, for ryco.io, it's our bread and butter.
ryco.io and eLearning
Being an industry leader means focusing on our clients, which is what we do here at ryco.io. Amongst that means accepting and understanding the online student struggle and figuring out tips for helping online students succeed.
ryco.io. targets multiple efforts to help drive online learners toward a more successful eLearning experience.
Target Audience Analysis
ryco.io can examine your target audience under a microscope through target audience analysis. Utilizing Front End Analysis (FEA), ryco.io is able to address:
Social and economic characteristics
Cognitive characteristics
Affective characteristics
Physiological characteristics
Instructional Design Strategies
An instructional design strategy is a high-level approach to how a particular subject will be taught. To instruct learnings, instructional design strategies encompass all of the following:
Using proven learning design strategies, best practices, and decades of collective experience at ryco.io, we take the burden of developing learning materials off your shoulders.
Learning Theories
People have been studying behavior surrounding learning for over two centuries. The emergence of new learning theories comes with the transformation in the way students are learning. We stay on top of all of the latest learning theories at ryco.io in order to develop our online course content.
ARCS Motivational Design
Amongst several learning theories, ryco.io is sure to back its courses up with the facts. Presenting focus on motivation helps to ensure completion of courses and continuity in moving between modules. The four elements that make up the ARCS motivational design include:
Mayer's Multimedia Principles
ryco.io integrates Richard E. Mayer’s 12 principles in all online courses. The science behind these 12 carefully thought out and researched principles help create a reference for the design and development of online learning courses:
The Coherence Principle
The Signaling Principle
The Redundancy Principle
The Spatial Contiguity Principle
The Temporal Contiguity Principle
The Segmenting Principle
The Pre-Training Principle
The Modality Principle
The Multimedia Principle
The Personalization Principle
The Voice Principle
The Image Principle
The Future of ryco.io
The future of ryco.io looks a whole lot like the future of eLearning. We’ve talked about how blockchain and crypto are disrupting education and how ryco.io is keeping its finger on the pulse with this movement.
Some of the things to look out for in the near future with blockchain and education include benefits for both teachers and students.
For teachers
Lessons and courses
Storing files
Publishing research
For students
Play-to-earn eLearning
Diplomas and certificates
Student records
There are lots of exciting things constantly happening at ryco.io, and we are excited to see how we can transform eLearning with blockchain technology.
Final Thoughts
Determining whether or not eLearning is the final frontier for education is challenging to say. It is safe to assume that all learning is moving towards the online format for the foreseeable future.
As we continue to move forward with technology in education, we’re excited to see everything that it holds. Here at ryco.io, we are constantly integrating learning techniques with technology in order to stay one step ahead of the game.